1.Run> Msconfig>Enter> Uncheck any thing you dont want to boot at the startup
2.Update your Windows and your Anti-Virus
3.Defrag your computer atleast twice a week
4.Uninstall all the games, software you do not use
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About Me
Hello All, I am Tarun Dham the admin of this blog, and I am a BIG time technology freak, and a budding animator and I also like to spend my time with technology. I started my blog to share my proficiency with all my readers. If you have any comments/suggestions or you want to chat with me or get to know me please be free to contact me or send an email to tarun.dham@gmail.com. I will also be sharing with you the technologies of past, present, and the future, and also telling you the tips and tricks of various devices. Thank You for visiting my Blog