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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

10 Changes in Call of Duty Game:Advanced Warfare-Part 3

After details of the next Call of Duty were leaked online ahead of the game's intended official reveal, Activision has now announced that this years Call of Duty will be called Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's release date is set for 4 November 2014, and here's what's changed

Now, this is a big departure from everything we know about infrared in games. We can only assume that a grenade will have a limited area of effect and last only briefly, but a player that can see through walls in a highly trafficked area is going to be a force to be reckoned with in multiplayer.


This power was a little more ambiguous, but it appears as if it detects enemy movement, or at the very least, scans the terrain. While the exact benefits are unknown, it could be used to detect mines or equipment in an environment. We have more questions than answers for this one, but the blue light has us speculating and intrigued by it’s possible functions.

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